BASB | Cohort Aspirational-ish + Me Nostalgic

I am still processing my thoughts about my BASB 15 experience. From the get go, without a formal syllabus in the first week, I took several deep breaths.

Reminder - I joined BASB 15 to experience, with as much of a beginner’s mind, how the course material would be presented, especially absent mentors, and what else I would learn and re-learn.

My initial take

I have many mixed feelings. The first cohort of the BASB Membership continues to feel, in part, aspirational. As the course progressed, I wondered how formally planned and structured was the membership version for teaching PARA and CODE. And I wondered why certain alum content was not repurposed - like a syllabus. I especially wondered whether the functionality and benefit of the mentors was reimagined for the Membership. Meanwhile, did I learn or relearn some things? Yes.

initial references

… for processing and sharing my perspective about BASB 15 start with the following -


I am revisiting the stated membership offerings and content in the help/FAQ sections. I want to give course feedback based on my interpretation and understanding of the offerings, as well as in context of my expectations. One of the main changes - no mentors - was shared in the email campaign -

We’re putting the Alumni Mentor program on pause for now to reduce the number of Zoom sessions we ask you to attend by 80%. A group of Moderators will support new students and alumni alike in navigating all aspects of BASB. (If you’d like to join our squad of Moderators, look out for an email from us soon.)

​- and on the Forte Labs website -

We’re reducing the number of Zoom sessions we ask you to attend. That means we’re putting the Alumni Mentor program on pause for now. Instead, a group of experienced Moderators will support new students and alumni alike in navigating all aspects of BASB.

I continue to connect the dots of membership features. Where I have felt a shortcoming(s), I often found (and find) myself nostalgic for past cohort vibes and content. However, I am striving at least to provide a perspective of the membership as its stand-alone.