As part of Linking Your Thinking (LYT) Workshop 8 onboarding and welcoming process, I took the PKM Planet survey again. From previous workshops, my September 2021 and February 2022 results of my Thinking Style and Thinking Drivers are included for ease of comparison with my June 2022 results. I’ve added briefs on my Thinking Patterns, also part of the PKM Planet survey results.
TL;dr - My thinking style and thinking drivers remains the same.
Nick Milo, creator and founder of LYT, explains the PKM Planet in this video.
June 2022 PKM Planet snapshot
My Thinking Style and Thinking Drivers snapshots are below. I keep in mind - this is not about better or worse results. There is no right or wrong. Comparing the most recent to current results - no surprise.
Thinking Style of Bottom-Up more than Top-down remains identical
The top 3 Thinking Drivers - idea, relationship, output - while in a relatively different order, remain the same
Context of lived experiences influences my style and drivers - I took the survey keeping top-of-mind with what I’ve been immersed - independent non-billable projects, proposal writing for billable work, business development administrative work, and caregiving.
Between Sept 2021 and Feb 2022, the marked shift from top-down to bottom-up Thinking Style - I attribute to shaping my environment intentionally to nurture a more bottom-up style. (This is not the norm for this here ChemE brain!)
JUNE 2022 THINKING Drivers
Relative less to more among the 5 drivers: memory -> productivity -> improvement -> output -> relationship -> idea
What the PKM Planet says about my top 3 drivers -
IDEA - You have the desire to connect things, which suggests you naturally want to make sense of the world. Having a life rich in ideas brings you major fulfillment.
RELATIONSHIP - You have the desire to socialize, which suggests you naturally want to put energy towards managing your relationships. When your life feels full of engaging relationships, you feel deep fulfillment.
OUTPUT - You have the desire to write and create things, which suggests you naturally want to create content. When you contribute your thoughts and perspectives, it gives you a strong sense of fulfillment.
Comparison of Thinking Styles from Sept 2021 and Feb 2022
Comparison of Thinking Drivers from Sept 2021 and Feb 2022
While not mentioned in the PKM Planet video, part of the survey includes five indices representing Thinking Patterns. Each thinking pattern index is described as - collection, ideation, churn, production, and emergence. Based on my results -
I make a habit of interacting with folks and info sources of diverse and competing viewpoints as part of shifting my COLLECTION index. I have coined this as brackish swimming.
It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences. ~ Audre Lorde
I check-in with myself via my weekly and/or daily reviews to temper my IDEATION index.
I am good with my CHURN (described as how driven one is by outputting rapidly) by keeping my production and output in check.
While I am good with my PRODUCTION, where this index “… is used to analyze how outcome and goal-driven” a person is, I am keeping in-check my ideation, output, and improvement, especially as part of pursuits to reshape and grow my business.
I strive to balance my convergent and divergent thinking, given I am lower on EMERGENCE. This index analyzes how one’s natural thinking style merges with one’s thinking drivers.
What’s next? Going forward, I intend to reshape my environment and routines, seeing how I might balance between top and bottom by being involved in activities more suited for a more a top-down thinking style and applying different sensemaking tactics. I’m curious how this may (if it does) shape my drivers.
Whether you are part of LYT,
what do you imagine are
your thinking drivers and relative thinking styles?