THANK YOU for the
kindness, strength, and power
among the
FWCA community.
I look forward to
being in service of your aspirations and outcomes.
Let’s continue to
- Savvy Shirley

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On 18 April 2020, I presented at the 8th Annual Faculty Women of Color in the Academy (FWCA) National Conference, hosted by Virginia Tech, at their virtual conference.

In the afternoon, I was part of the Live Engagement series among Angela’s Pulse, Aurora Chang, Gabriella Gutierrez y Muhs, and Rosann Santos.

session supporting career development - “Aspire big, begin small: Create habits moment by moment”

session supporting career development - Aspire big, begin small: Create habits moment by moment”


Shirley F. Rivera is more than her Chemical Engineering degree from UC Berkeley. She is an Air Quality and Energy Consultant, Behavior Designer and Tiny Habits® Certified Coach, and Improviser. And she is an Entrepinay (Filipino Woman Entrepreneur). With her engineering analyses and behavior design expertise, she helps people form habits quickly and easily by applying the models and methods of Stanford professor Dr. BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits® program and Behavior Design principles.

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Trained by BJ Fogg, behavior scientist and Director of the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University. Am one of BJ’s first certified coaches in November 2013 and a Behavior Design Boot Camp alumna in June 2012.

Trained by BJ Fogg, behavior scientist and Director of the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University. Am one of BJ’s first certified coaches in November 2013 and a Behavior Design Boot Camp alumna in June 2012.